Crossing Europe – Videoprojekt & Workshoprally

Crossing Europe – Videoprojekt und Workshopralley

Bereits zum dritten Mal haben die Schüler/innen des BORG im Rahmen der Jugendschiene YAAAS! das internationale Filmfestival Crossing Europe in Linz besucht.

Nach den beiden Workshops „Lichtmalerei – in einem anderen Licht erscheinen“ und „Foley Art – ein Video nachvertonen“ wurde gemeinsam die Vorstellung „Local Artists – Shorts“ im Ursulinenhof besucht.

Drei Schüler/innen der Mutlimediagruppe hatten außerdem die Gelegenheit, ganze sechs Tage Filmluft zu schnuppern. Im Rahmen des YAAAS!-Videoprojekts wurden in internationalen Teams, Stories entwickelt die anschließend gedreht wurden. Am Montag 02.05.2022 wurden die Ergebnisse im Central präsentiert.

Die Ergebnisse können sich sehen lassen:

Fotos: Crossing Europe, 2022,© Christoph Leeb /

„YAAAS! is the title of the youth program of the Crossing Europe Film Festival in Linz. YAAAS! invites you to take a whiff of the festival air together with other youths. To call out YAAAS! means to euphorically say “yes” – “yes” to a program that does not only aim to present finished content but rather invites you to produce VIDEOS in an internationally mixed team. “NoNeedToWorry“ was created as part of the YAAAS! Video Project 2022 on the following topic:

„Where the hell is global warming?“
Of the many ways of looking at a global phenomenon.

The Crossing Europe Film Festival and with it its youth program YAAAS! have been a Green Event since 2021. We pay attention to sustainability and try to keep our footprint as small as possible. But the question arises whether this is even necessary when people who should know tweet that the polar ice caps are at an all time high. So was Donald Trump right to ask on 29 October 2014 where the hell global warming was?

Particularly in the social networks today, well-founded reporting is mixed with opinions, advertising and propaganda. The boundaries between reality and fiction are just as difficult to discern as the question of who is posting with what intention. There seem to be countless points of view on every issue.

We asked the teams to see the world through other people’s eyes, to engage with the multiplicity of perspectives and to adopt a point of view that is not their own. They should do it with a wink, have fun producing Fake News, film parodies of celebrity statements like Donald Trump’s, or provide an original new view on the subject and discuss it with us.“ 

YAAAS!_CrossingEurope, 07.05.2022

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